Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions new version 04/26/2024


TRANSTUR offers the car rental service under the trademarks Cubacar, Havanautos and REX. The reserved car category is guaranteed, not a specific make and model, which will be subject to availability at the time of car rental.

In order for a client to make a reservation through the website www.rentcarcuba.com, they must first register there with their personal information. The company offers a new opportunity to make reservations to family and friends both abroad and within the national territory, but if it is detected that the page is used by clients for commercial purposes outside the company's policy, it will be reserves the right to cancel confirmed reservations and apply a 25% discount as a penalty.

Clients residing in the national territory, to access our services, must do so in the province that corresponds to them according to their place of residence according to an official identification document. Reservations that do not meet this requirement must be canceled and the amount will be refunded with a discount of 10% of the total value plus the value corresponding to one day's rental according to the reserved category.

In cases where the client reserves a car in advance, the reservation holder is the only person with the right to be the owner of the rental contract, and cannot include any additional driver to replace his ownership, always taking into account that a Client can only have an active rental in the same period of time, whether as the owner or as an additional driver.



Ø Be at least 21 years old; except for the sports category of the REX trademark, which requires a minimum of 25 years of age.
Ø Be at most 80 years old.
Ø Possess a valid driver's permit or license according to the car you have reserved. With at least two (2) years of issue, in the case of renewal, evidence the previous one. In the case of licenses for category I Sports rentals of the REX commercial brand, you must present a driving license issued for at least three (3) years; For licenses issued in the United States and England, the time-of-issue requirement does not apply.
When for any reason the client holding the reservation does not have a driving license, it is expired, damaged or has any other impediment that limits him or her from driving the vehicle, the reservation will not be modified in the system. The reservation holder will have the possibility of opening the contract, as long as they show their physical license in digital format. Declaring an additional driver and making the corresponding payment at the sales offices. All of the above will be recorded in the individual rental contract, stating that the owner cannot drive and the cause.
Ø For rentals with a driver it is not necessary to present a driving license.
Ø Present a passport or updated identity document.
Ø Not being included in the Unwelcome client list
Ø The liability relief payment differs for clients in the age ranges of 21 to 24 and 76 to 80 years, from clients between 25 and 75 years.

Additional drivers included by the owner must meet the above requirements. These are only authorized to drive the car. They are not authorized to open or close contracts, make extensions or modifications to the contract, receive refunds or include another additional driver.

The contract is signed in person by both parties at the beginning of the service. In order to generate the contract, the client must present the voucher or confirmation number.
If a modification of the reservation holder is necessary, the client must write an email to the address cubacar@transtur.cu from the email with which the reservation was registered in the store, sending the reservation reference and the data of the person you want to make the title.

If cancellation of the service is necessary, the customer holding the reservation must write an email to the address: cubacar@transtur.cu, from the email with which they are registered in the store, sending the reservation reference and the reason why you request to cancel the reservation, in this case the corresponding return policy will always apply.
TRANSTUR reserves the right of admission. We may deny you the car rental if you do not meet any of the above requirements; if you engage in unacceptable behavior such as appearing under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other dangerous substances; if you are declared UNPLEASE or engage in any disrespectful, abusive or threatening behavior towards our officials.

Do not get out of the vehicle with the engine running; In any circumstance that involves getting out of the vehicle, you must stop the engine, remove the ignition key and lock the vehicle.
When parking the vehicle, make sure that the doors, windows, trunk and engine compartment are properly closed and do not leave the ignition key inside the vehicle; It is also recommended to lock the steering wheel (rudder)

Park the vehicle in safe places; You must park the vehicle in illuminated parking spaces and safely, never leave the vehicle to spend the night on public roads. If TRANSTUR personnel detect the vehicle parked without protection on public roads, you will be contacted by TRANSTUR officials with the aim of persuading you to remove the vehicle to a place with due protection and custody; If you refuse or cannot be located, TRANSTUR may remove the vehicle from public roads, driving it to our nearest facility, in which case to continue enjoying the service you must pay the penalty corresponding to abandoning the vehicle.

If, as a result of letting the vehicle spend the night on public roads, it suffers damage to its integrity, an act of vandalism, total or partial theft, in addition to paying the penalty corresponding to abandoning the vehicle, you must compensate TRANSTUR for the damage caused to the vehicle, which does not apply. prevents the company from being able to assess its inclusion as an Unwelcome Customer.

Do not drive in flooded areas; The above endangers your safety, that of the passengers accompanying you and the physical integrity of the vehicle.
Do not park the vehicle in areas prone to flooding.

By signing the rental contract, you and the additional drivers accept the standard general conditions of the TRANSTUR Rental Contract that are in force at that time. They agree with the car's condition report, which includes the vehicle in good working order, along with the accessories described therein, and agree to return it in the same condition that they received it. They acknowledge your agreement with all charges applied and you agree to pay all debts for the service provided.
When renting a car, you must pay the rental fee, the liability waiver, fuel and the Airport office supplement and the drop off in applicable cases. The total price of the car rental is calculated based on the duration in days of the service, the category of the car and the current rate.

The Responsibility Relief is calculated based on the duration in days of the service, the category of the car and the current rate. There are 2 basic rates for liability release; a rate for clients aged between 21 and 24 and 76 and 80 years old and other coverage for clients between 25 and 75 years old. If you make a reservation through our website www.rentcarcuba.com you can declare that you are between 21 and 24 or 76 and 80 years old. The contract has a maximum validity of 30 calendar days, including the days of the original contract and its extensions, after which it must be closed. To continue enjoying the service, you must open a new contract according to the conditions in force at the time of opening the contract. The extension of a contract is not permitted if the total number of days since the opening of the original contract exceeds 30 calendar days. Transtur reserves the right to approve customer extension requests depending on the actual availability of cars.

For linear rental contracts, the validity is 30, 60 or 90 CALENDAR days, in correspondence with the contracted payment periods. At the end of this time, the client must go to any sales office to renew the rental contract.

Each rental contract is accompanied by an original and ONE copy. The client is given the copy signed by the appropriate parties, which must be kept during the rental period. This is the legal document for any incident where the client needs to prove their relationship with TRANSTUR, it is used for the settlement of the car in any office in the country; as well as another operation that is carried out during the rental.

At the end of the contractual relationship with TRANSTUR, the client is left in custody of a copy of the contract, which reflects the data of the service performed and its conformity with the service performed.

In cases of extensions, car changes or inclusion of an additional driver during the rental, a new contract is drawn up as proof of the operation, which is attached to the original rental contract. The client is also given a copy of the contract for each of these operations.

The Liability Relief coverage offered by TRANSTUR exempts the contract holder from financial responsibility in the event of damage caused to the vehicle or accidents, as well as damages to the property or physical integrity of third parties, as long as they are not responsible, or policy exclusion is not declared by the Insurance, which does not prevent the company from evaluating its inclusion as an Unwelcome Client. In all cases, the contract holder must present the document of the Police action. The contract owner will lose all coverage and will pay for damages in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of the Rental Contract. The release of liability covers additional drivers who are registered in the contract at the time of the occurrence of an accident, but the above applies.
Up to 2 additional drivers are allowed optionally. Both are charged at the time you decide to incorporate them into the contract, depending on the number of days from their incorporation until the contract is settled.

Additional charge applies to the first rental of vehicles newly added to the fleet, only at the beginning of the rental.

The car is delivered with a full tank fuel allowance that is paid at the time of reservation, depending on the vehicle category. Fuel is not sold during the course of the rental, it is purchased in the country's network of service centers. Fuel is not returned at the end of the rental. In the event that, due to fuel deficit problems in the territory, the contract is opened with less than the tank capacity according to category, the difference will be refunded as established in the procedure for this purpose.
If you deliver the car to a different office than the one where you picked up the car, you will have to pay an additional drop off charge; as long as the delivery office does not belong to the same agency or branch as the collection office. If at the time of settlement the car is delivered to an Agency or Branch other than the one agreed upon, the drop-off of that destination plus a 50% penalty is charged.


The car rental price is calculated based on the duration in days of the service, the category, the tourist season, the rental office and other additional charges that will be informed at the time of the start of the service. Additional payments generated when receiving the car will be made according to the public rate in force at the time of the operation.

TRANSTUR establishes minimum and maximum prices per vehicle category, which will be applied in accordance with the defined seasons. The price of the service is always calculated from the rate in effect at the beginning of the service, published on our websites and sales offices and reflected in the car rental contract, which you sign. The extensions you request will be granted based on the availability of vehicles, according to the rates in force at the time of the extension.

In the information section found in the footer of our home page you can find all our rates and prices.

TRANSTUR prices are expressed in the currency shown on our website and published in our offices. For collection and refund operations in different currencies, the exchange rate in force in Cuba for the Tourism Sector will be used. TRANSTUR defines and publishes all currencies authorized to carry out collection and return operations.
Sales through online channels or in the market are made by credit or debit card with an international character and authorized to operate in the country. National customers can make payment with a local magnetic card backed by MLC. All additional charges that are applied at the time of signing the contract or during the execution of the service, maintain these payment methods.

When you make payments with international magnetic cards, regardless of the currency selected on our website, all services will be charged in EUROS, using the current exchange rate in Cuba for the Tourism Sector.


The TRANSTUR Company makes refunds to the client when a reservation is modified or canceled. If you change a reservation and the charges for the reserved service are higher than the value already paid, the difference is calculated according to the TRANSTUR rates in force at that time, and the additional amount must be paid at the time of the modification.

If the amount of the modified reservation is less than the amount initially paid for the reservation, the difference will be calculated and refunded to the User, always applying a charge of 10% of the amount to be returned.

The cancellation of reservations made through online channels is considered effective from the date and time in which it is registered in the TRANSTUR, S.A. reservation system.

If the client requests to cancel their reservation more than 72 hours before the start of the service, a charge of 10% of the total amount of the reservation is applied. 

If the client cancels their reservation less than 72 hours before the start of the service or does not show up within the first 24 hours from the date and time agreed upon in the reservation, a charge equivalent to the amount of one day's rent is applied. according to the rate applied at the time of reservation plus 10% of the total amount of the reservation.

When a reservation is canceled by Transtur due to non-compliance with the requirements established for driving a car, a charge equivalent to 10% of the total amount of the reservation is applied.
When a reservation is canceled because it was proven that the page was used by a client for commercial purposes and the company policies were violated, a 25% discount on the total amount will be applied.  

When a reservation is modified by decision of TRANSTUR S.A. or due to force majeure, natural disasters, epidemics or others; 100% of the amount charged is returned to the client, without the application of additional charges.

If during the execution of the service the client decides to terminate it before the previously agreed date, the unused amount will be refunded, applying a charge corresponding to 5% of the value to be returned. The same applies in the event that the client has paid for a concept that does not apply or that was not used, such as the liability relief supplement or the additional driver respectively.

Refunds must be made within a period of no more than 10 business days after canceling the reservation. In the event of any modification being made and any balance remaining, it will not be returned until the rental contract is settled with the same period mentioned. previously. If the customer detects that they have not received the return within this period, they must write quickly to comercial@transtur.cu.

If when canceling a reservation you wish to request it for a new date, the confirmation will be conditional on the actual availability of vehicles for the requested date.


If you have reserved a car, you must show up at the agreed date, time and sales office. In case of delays or other situations that prevent your presentation, you must inform in advance so that your reservation is not canceled. If information is not received from the owner within 5 hours after the agreed date, the reservation will be considered a “no show” and the corresponding charges will be applied.

The owner of a reservation is the owner of the contract, not allowing a change of ownership at the time of starting the service. If you are the holder of a reservation and do not meet any of the requirements to drive the vehicle, you will NOT be able to declare an additional driver to open the contract.

Exception from the above are those cases in which the holder does not have his driving license, it is expired, damaged or has any other impediment that limits him from driving the vehicle in which case the holder of the reservation will have the possibility of opening the contract, always and when you show your physical license in digital format, declaring an additional driver and making the corresponding payment for it, the contract will specify that the contract holder cannot drive the vehicle.

All charges and charges derived from additional services and facilities not included in the reservation will be paid directly at the TRANSTUR Sales Office at the time of the start of the service. All charges and collections are made by magnetic card.

The rental period is calculated in rental days. Rental days are established in periods of 24 hours counting from the moment of collection. If you wish to extend the rental, you must go to the nearest office to formalize the extension of the contract. If after the date and time stipulated for the delivery of the vehicle you have not shown up for the settlement or extension of the contract, you lose all the benefits of the release of responsibility in the event of any incident.

Charges will be applied for additional days when the cars are held longer than the time agreed for their delivery (an additional day will be considered when 5 hours have passed since the time agreed for return) and will be charged according to the current public rate. TRANSTUR will proceed to file a report of theft to the official authorities after 24 hours from the time agreed for the delivery of the car and reserves the right to declare a Non Grato to the client who incurs this violation, regardless of the payment of the charges that this implies.

If the driving of the car by a person not registered in the rental contract is detected, the rented car will be removed and the client will lose the amount of the pending days to be used and the release of responsibility. TRANSTUR has the right to declare the contract holder and/or additional drivers, as well as the unregistered person; as Unwelcome for the period of time it considers pertinent.

For CUBACAR AND HAVANAUTOS customers, if maintenance is required on the vehicle during the rental period, the customer must go to the nearest workshop to perform the same, free of charge. In the case of REX customers, as long as the rental is for a period longer than one month, the customer will be obliged to inform REX if their car falls within the maintenance period and will agree on which rental office they can make the change at. car for this purpose.

The customer must return the car in the same condition as it was received. You must pay for accessories or parts of the vehicles that are missing or damaged and that have not been indicated in the car's condition report, at the time of receiving it. You must not make any changes to the structure, shape or decoration of the interior or exterior of the car. Only TRANSTUR is authorized to carry out any repair or maintenance of the car or, in its place, a workshop or garage authorized by it.


TRANSTUR is not responsible for loss or forgetfulness of objects inside the car, nor for theft of said objects due to the client's carelessness. TRANSTUR has taken all precautions to avoid damage to the car. TRANSTUR is not responsible for any damage that may occur or appear as a result of carelessness on the part of the client or due to non-compliance with what was agreed in the contract, as well as the consequences that arise, for which the client will be responsible.

You pay a liability waiver that protects you against fire, total or partial theft, collision or overturning, accidents and natural disasters, damage to other people's property and/or injuries or death caused to third parties, caused when driving the vehicle on the road. public road. It does not cover loss or breakage of tires or audio equipment. As long as it is not TAXABLE nor is the policy excluded by the Insurance, which does not prevent the Company from evaluating its inclusion as an Unwelcome Client.

In all cases, you must immediately notify the competent authorities and present at the time of settlement, proof of having filed a report in case of loss or theft. In the case of accidents, report from the police at the scene or from TRANSTUR inspectors, which will be the way to define whether or not they are responsible for the damage caused. If responsible, the client will pay the damages to TRANSTUR.

You will be covered from the start date and time of the rental until the end date and time of the rental, reflected in the contract. In the event of accidents up to 12 hours after the expiration date, it will be covered with the corresponding legal procedure.

You will lose all rights to what is stipulated in the contract, when you incur negligent actions or violations of current laws; as well as driving the vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of psychotropic substances.

Fines for parking or traffic violations are the responsibility of the client. The client can pay traffic fines at any fine collection office in the country. If the fines have not been paid at the end of the contract, TRANSTUR will collect them in the rental contract as established in the rental conditions and Cuban laws. The client is obliged to provide proof of payment of the fine at the end of the contract.

TRANSTUR applies additional charges to the client when they incur any of the penalties included in the penalty supplement. These penalties include: delivery of the dirty vehicle; transporting animals, excess passengers or an unauthorized driver, deterioration or loss of the seat lining, carpet covers and trunk mats, loss or deterioration of the contract and its attached documents or its key, towing another vehicle, as well as damages caused by accidents, breakages or loss of accessories if not covered by the liability release; In addition, the placement of stickers or accessories on the vehicle without authorization from the rental company and the change of any part or addition of the vehicle, the violation of the agreed time for delivery of the vehicle and the violation of maintenance during the rental period are penalized. .

Other causes of penalties are the carrying out of illegal activities or the use of the vehicle in races, competitions or similar contests; driving aggressively or irresponsibly with mistreatment; Supply the vehicle with fuel other than authorized fuel or contaminated fuel.